Taking good care of a kitten is to satisfy his physical and emotional needs. The physical part consists in providing all those “things” that more or less we all know (food, bath, grooming, etc).
For the emotional needs to be satisfied is necessary that you treat him as member of the family, talk to him and let him express his personality and interests. Stimulate his natural intelligence with games and toys. Above all treat him with lots of love and care, all this will make him a very happy kitten.
Arriving home with your kitten
Before you take your new family member home you need to make some preparations to receive him the most correct way.
There are certain things that are essential such as:
- carrier;
- bed;
- litter box (which should be cleaned up of poop everyday and never be placed near the food area);
- bowls glass or stainless steal (for food and water, double bowls should not be used because the water may be contaminated with food);
- cat tree or scratching post;
- leash (if you intend to take him for a walk, must be careful on the where abouts);
- toys;
- hygiene products (shampoo, wipes, comb, brush, nail-cutter);
- choose a certified vet.
For everything to run as smoothly as possible, remember that the kitten will be separated from his mother and siblings for the first time which might make him feel alone and disorientated, so choose a day which you will be the most time at home (e.g. a weekend) and try to take everything as calmly as possible.
If you have children, be vigilant so they don´t squeeze or frighten him with rough games. The same will do if you have other animals at home. In a few days you will see them become “best friends”. For your house to become kitten-safe pay attention to the following:
- electric cables and plugs;
- pesticides and other types of poison;
- medicine (lots of human medicine is highly toxic for your cat, paracetamol is one of them, never give them medicine without consulting with your vet);
- chemical products, varnishes, paint;
- small objects (elastics, needles, thread, plastic, etc);
- suspended objects;
- plastic bags and foam objects;
- toilet and rubbish bin tops;
- stoves and other electrical appliances (irons, etc);
- balconies without mesh (there are proper meshes (cat net) for balconies/windows, stairs);
- house plants
What shows us of an adequate feeding is their physical condition and behavior. Generally a healthy cat has good appetite, shiny fur, is playful and active.
During the first feeds you should avoid sudden alterations on the kind of food, so try to feed for the first week the same food that the breeder used to, and only then, if you so desire, change it, always in a progressive way as to diminish possible intestinal upsets (diarrhea or less formed feces).
- 1st and 2nd day:75% of previous food and 25% new one;
- 3st and 4nd day:50% of previous food and 50% new one;
- 5st and 6nd day:25% of previous food and 75% new one;
- Last day:100% new food.
The food should always be available as cats eat little at a time. It´s important to adapt the food type and the daily dosage to the animal´s necessities, and preferably buy a high quality brand, you can choose grain free dry food.
You can also choose to BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) – but first learn how to do it properly.
You should provide daily “wet” food in cans, salmon, chicken or rabbit cooked at home without salt, canned tuna in water is also very appreciated by them, yogurt lactose free.
You can also give your cat various food supplements such as: barley, malt, vitamins, weed, yoghurt without sugar, as cats are lactose intolerant you should look for lactose free yoghurts. Pay attention to meat cuts with bones or raw egg-white and chocolate (poisonous).
But whatever food you choose (dry, wet or BARF) remember that the cat is a carnivore and he needs that his food is balanced and satisfies his needs, a lack of certain nutrients can lead to health problems.
Make sure your kitten has fresh water at all times.
You can also give your cat various supplements such as: brewer’s yeast, malt, vitamins, cat grass.
It is important that your kitten will be supervised every year by a veterinarian – to make tests such as blood count, echocardiography, etc. – this can be done when the cat is going to for its annual vaccination, following a predetermined plan (seek advice from your vet or breeder).
They should also be dewormed internally and externally periodically.
There are a few diseases that your cat might get (not always) and for it there is vaccination or treatment, but in any of these situations you should consult your vet.
When the time is come do not be afraid to neuter your kitten he will have a happier and more relaxed life without hormonal oscillations.
Although your cat has a semi-long fur, the Norwegian Forest Cat has a coat that repels water and dirt, so not making it necessary to have frequent baths, but in case of need should be taken with specific products for cats.
Pay attention that you don´t get water in his eyes or ears and to draughts while your cat is wet. The brushing is very important and should be done at least once a week, especially during the changing season (spring/summer) as to release the old coat, possible knots and to speed up it´s renewal.
Taking care of your kitten is very easy, as long as it is done with tender loving care, which no doubt, they deserve.